Social Elements Animation Pack

"Social elements" in the context of Lottie animations could refer to animations that depict various social interactions, behaviors, or concepts. For instance, a "social elements" Lottie animation might include: Likes and Shares: An animation that shows a post being liked, shared, or commented on in a social media app. Follower Count: An animation that represents the growth of followers or friends on a social platform. Chat Bubbles: An animation showing chat bubbles popping up, indicating a conversation in a messaging app. Emojis and Reactions: Animated emojis or reaction icons commonly used in social media interactions. Notification Alerts: An animation displaying notifications or alerts, such as new messages, friend requests, or activity updates. User Profiles: An animation that transitions between different aspects of a user's profile, such as their posts, followers, and personal information. Sharing Content: An animation illustrating the process of sharing images, videos, or links on a social network. Group Interactions: An animation portraying multiple users interacting within a group or community setting. Location Sharing: An animation depicting the sharing of location information within a social app. Reposts and Retweets: An animation representing the action of reposting or retweeting content on platforms like Twitter.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included
