Logistic Delivery

The Logistic Delivery Lottie Animation flat icons epitomize the efficiency and precision of modern logistics and transportation services. Each icon within this collection portrays key elements of the delivery process, from trucks and delivery vans to packages and delivery routes. With smooth animations and intricate details, these icons capture the dynamic nature of the logistics industry, conveying the speed and reliability essential for successful delivery operations. Whether illustrating package tracking, warehouse management, or last-mile delivery services, these animations offer a visually engaging representation of the logistics process. Their dynamic visuals not only enhance user experience but also convey the reliability and professionalism of logistics companies. Whether integrated into websites, mobile applications, or presentations, the Logistic Delivery Lottie Animation flat icons serve as invaluable assets for conveying the seamless movement of goods and fostering trust among users.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Oil Barrel

Container Barcode

Truck Delivery

Global Shipping

Online Parcel

Parcel Location Pin

Crane Lifter


Carton Lifter

Delivery Lifter

Delivery Man

Logistic Truck

Delivery Boy

Logistic Weight Scale

Writing Document