Explore Lottie animations
right within After Effects
Explore Lottie animations
right within After Effects
Import animations easily into AE and export them as Lottie JSON or dotLottie. Effortlessly test, preview and implement your Lottie animations across websites, apps and more
Import animations easily into AE and export them as Lottie JSON or dotLottie. Effortlessly test, preview and implement your Lottie animations across websites, apps and more
See all versions
See all versions
to Install the plugin, use ZXP Installer
for Mac / Windows from aescripts.com
to Install the plugin, use ZXP Installer
for Mac / Windows from aescripts.com
What's new
What's new
LottieFiles for After Effects:
Perfect for creating and collaborating
LottieFiles for After Effects:
Perfect for creating and collaborating

Import a Lottie to After Effects
Import a Lottie to After Effects
Effortlessly import your Lottie animations into your After Effects project for further editing and customization.

Export Lottie from After Effects
Export your animations from Adobe After Effects to Lottie, the small yet versatile animation format.

Optimize your animations with Lottie Optimizer
We're all about 'Tiny but Mighty'! Our Lottie Optimizer further reduces your file sizes with no compromise to quality.

Optimize your animations with Lottie Optimizer
We're all about 'Tiny but Mighty'! Our Lottie Optimizer further reduces your file sizes with no compromise to quality.

Bulk render animations as Lottie
Bulk render multiple compositions as Lottie animations and save them to your team's workspace.

Bulk render animations as Lottie
Bulk render multiple compositions as Lottie animations and save them to your team's workspace.

Use Lottie Feature Checker to test compatibility
Check which Lottie features are used in your animations, and whether they’ll play across different platforms like web, Android and iOS.

Use Lottie Feature Checker to test compatibility
Check which Lottie features are used in your animations, and whether they’ll play across different platforms like web, Android and iOS.

Save your animations to your team's library
Once rendered, seamlessly save your animations to your workspaces for quick and easy collaboration with your team.

Preview your animations instantly
Preview how your animations play across web and mobile in real-time as you continue to edit them.

Preview your animations instantly
Preview how your animations play across web and mobile in real-time as you continue to edit them.
Made with After Effects
Made with
After Effects
Discover and get inspired by these stunning animations
that were built with LottieFiles for After Effect.
Discover and get inspired by these stunning animations that were built with
LottieFiles for After Effect.