A "Like" Animated Icon is a dynamic graphical element often used in digital interfaces to represent user engagement with content. Typically associated with social media platforms and content-sharing websites, this icon signifies approval or appreciation for a particular piece of content. The animation aspect adds a visually engaging touch, often involving a heart symbol or similar, which may pulsate, change color, or exhibit subtle movements to draw attention. Users can interact with the icon, triggering the animation, and expressing their positive sentiment toward a post, image, or other shareable content. The "Like" Animated Icon contributes to a more interactive and user-friendly experience, enhancing the visual appeal of social and content-sharing platforms.
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O LottieFiles foi desenvolvido pela Design Barn Inc.
Copyright © 2024 Design Barn Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
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Integrações e ferramentas
Termos e Políticas
O LottieFiles foi desenvolvido pela Design Barn Inc.
Copyright © 2024 Design Barn Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
Feito com ❤️ deVietnã