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LottieFiles for Framer



Add lightweight and customizable animation to your Framer website

Boost engagement and conversions with interactive Lottie animations on your website—no coding needed.

Trusted by over million users and companies worldwide.

  • Google
  • Disney
  • Duolingo
  • Uber
  • Instacart
  • Citi
  • Accenture
  • Grab
  • Gojek
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • TikTok
  • Microsoft
  • Airbnb
  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Disney
  • Duolingo
  • Uber
  • Instacart
  • Citi
  • Accenture
  • Grab
  • Gojek
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • TikTok
  • Microsoft
  • Airbnb
  • Amazon

Stand out, drive growth and tell better stories

Over 500,000 free and premium, ready-to-use Lottie animations to get you started

Over 500,000 free and premium, ready-to-use Lottie animations to get you started

Over 500,000 free and premium, ready-to-use Lottie animations to get you started
Access your team's private animations and insert them directly on Framer
Access your team's private animations and insert them directly on Framer

Access your team's private animations and insert them directly on Framer

Advanced dotLottie player for more granular control
Advanced dotLottie player for more granular control

Advanced dotLottie player for more granular control

Customize to your brand and aesthetic with personalized color palettes
Customize to your brand and aesthetic with personalized color palettes

Customize to your brand and aesthetic with personalized color palettes

Add interactivity using Framer’s native features
Add interactivity using Framer’s native features

Add interactivity using Framer’s native features

Engage your users with creative interactive effects





Built with Lottie. Made in Framer.

Discover and get inspired by these stunning Framer sites that were built using Lottie animations.

Get started in 3 simple steps

Step 1

Launch the plugin

Find and open the LottieFiles for Framer plugin in your project.

Step 2

Search for an animation

Search for a Lottie animation using the ‘Discover’ or ‘Workspaces’ tabs.

Step 3

Insert the animation

Insert the animation into your Framer sites. You can customize the animation’s colors or add interactivity.

Additional resources

Here’s some inspiration for you to get started with LottieFiles for Framer.