"Maximize Icon Animation" is a captivating and dynamic visual experience that brings the concept of maximizing to life. The animation starts with a sleek and minimalist icon representing the action of maximizing, gradually transforming and expanding in a fluid motion. The icon smoothly unfolds, revealing intricate details and vibrant colors as it reaches its full size, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. This animation is not just a visual delight but also conveys the essence of maximizing with a seamless and sophisticated design, making it a standout element in user interfaces or presentations.
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O LottieFiles foi desenvolvido pela Design Barn Inc.
Copyright © 2024 Design Barn Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
Feito com ❤️ deVietnã
Integrações e ferramentas
Termos e Políticas
O LottieFiles foi desenvolvido pela Design Barn Inc.
Copyright © 2024 Design Barn Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
Feito com ❤️ deVietnã