215 件の記事
With more designers going remote, LottieFiles now offers a freelance marketplace.
Elementor and LottieFiles are making it even easier to bring your websites to life with Lottie animations.
From a designer to a designer, David Probst Jr gives his tips on how you too can find inspiration and start working with Lottie animations.
Which is right for me, the LottieFiles for After Effects extension, or Bodymovin?
A basic guide on how you can add user controls to your Lottie animations in React.
How to use Lottie animations in a React App with this easy-to-follow walkthrough.
Turn Figma designs with Lottie animations into native apps instantly with Bravo Studio.
Product designer Chethan KVS learned of Lottie animations long before a lot of the documentation existed. Here’s his story on finding Lottie.
Product Designer at Swiggy, Saptarshi Prakash has been using Lottie in his designs to help the product talk better to the user.
In this interview, David shares his journey with Lottie and thoughts on the future of interactive design.