Hi All. Its a wonderful animation of man putting a bird into cage and vanish that bird with a magic!!!!! I have created many animations you can also see others at https://lottiefiles.com/Tahir471. https://www.behance.net/Tahir471 You can contact me at [email protected] for any suggested edits in this one or some other custom animations, However AEP file Attached and this one is totally Free to use!!!!! For any gigs and jobs you can contact me at https://www.fiverr.com/tahirmughal471 https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~016d8fa2b1a4fe5737 Please do like comment and spread this animation out there, because it gives me motivation to create more free like these for you, Thanks Tahir M. https://lottiefiles.com/Tahir471
4년 전
통합기능 및 플러그인
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통합 및 도구