Back To School

A back-to-school animated icon can enhance your design and user experience in several ways. Here are some useful features to consider incorporating: 1. **Engaging Visuals** - **Vibrant Colors**: Use bright and inviting colors that symbolize school themes, such as yellow for pencils, red for apples, and blue for notebooks. - **Dynamic Motion**: Add smooth, looping animations that make the icon feel alive without being distracting, such as a pencil writing or a book opening and closing. 2. **Contextual Relevance** - **Educational Elements**: Incorporate symbols like books, pencils, backpacks, and chalkboards to immediately convey the back-to-school theme. - **Seasonal Touches**: Add subtle seasonal elements like falling leaves or school bells ringing to mark the start of the school year. 3. **Functional Features** - **Interactive Elements**: Allow users to interact with the icon. For example, clicking on a backpack might open to reveal supplies or a notebook. - **Informative Tooltips**: When users hover over the icon, tooltips can provide additional information, such as important dates or tips for the new school year. 4. **Accessibility** - **Alt Text**: Ensure that the icon includes descriptive alt text for screen readers. - **Contrasting Colors**: Use high-contrast color combinations to ensure visibility for users with visual impairments. 5. **Scalability** - **Vector Graphics**: Create the icon as a vector graphic to ensure it scales well across different devices and screen sizes. - **Responsive Design**: Ensure the animation looks good on both mobile and desktop devices, adjusting speed and size as necessary. 6. **Ease of Integration** - **Compatibility**: Ensure the icon is compatible with common platforms and frameworks (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React). - **Lightweight Code**: Optimize the animation to be lightweight so it doesn’t slow down the webpage. 7. **Personalization** - **Customizable Features**: Allow users to customize the icon's colors or elements to better match their personal preferences or school branding. - **Thematic Variations**: Provide different versions of the icon for various themes or subjects, like math, science, or arts. 8. **Enhanced Communication** - **Notification Capabilities**: Integrate with notification systems to alert users of new updates or important school-related messages. - **Progress Indicators**: Use the icon to visually represent progress, such as filling a book or checking off a list, to engage and motivate users. Incorporating these features can make your back-to-school animated icon not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Study Table

School Timetable



Woman Teacher

Woman Teacher holding ...

Female Teacher

Female Teacher teachin...

Girl Student holding f...

Girl Student waving ha...

Girl Student

Girl Student

Girl Student

Girl Student

Girl Student