Location Animation Pack

A "Location Icons Lottie Animation" could potentially involve animated icons representing different locations or points of interest on a map. Here's a hypothetical example of what such an animation could be like: Imagine you have a map displayed on a webpage, and you want to showcase different location icons with a touch of animation. Here's how it could work: Map Display: The animation could start with a map displayed on the screen. This could be a simple stylized map or a realistic representation, depending on the design. Icons Appear: As the animation begins, various location icons start to appear on the map. These icons could represent different categories such as restaurants, hotels, landmarks, etc. Animation Effects: Each icon could have a subtle animation effect to make them more engaging. For example, a restaurant icon might have steam rising from it, a hotel icon could show a revolving door, and a landmark icon might have a blinking light. Hover or Tap Interaction: If this animation is part of a webpage, users could interact with it. When a user hovers their mouse over an icon or taps it on a touch screen, the icon could respond with a larger animation, such as bouncing or rotating slightly. Tooltip Information: As a user interacts with an icon, a tooltip could appear with more information about the location. This could include the name of the place, a brief description, and perhaps a rating. Smooth Transitions: When an icon is no longer in focus (mouse cursor moves away or the user taps another icon), it smoothly transitions back to its original state. Zoom and Pan: The animation might include the ability to zoom in or pan across the map to explore different areas in more detail.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included
