Real Estate

Real estate building can effectively convey a range of property-related services and concepts. Here are some useful features and design elements to include: 1. Visual Appeal Modern Design: Use clean lines, geometric shapes, and a contemporary style to convey professionalism and reliability. Subtle Animations: Implement smooth, looping animations such as windows lighting up, a 'For Sale' sign appearing, or people entering and exiting the building to keep it engaging without being distracting. 2. Relevant Imagery Building Symbols: Incorporate recognizable building symbols such as skyscrapers, apartment complexes, or office buildings to clearly represent the real estate theme. Property Details: Use imagery like balconies, windows, and doors to add detail and make the building easily identifiable as residential or commercial. 3. Functionality Interactive Elements: Allow parts of the icon to respond to user interactions. For example, hovering over the building might cause the windows to light up or reveal more details about the property. Dynamic Data Display: Integrate real-time information such as the number of available units, current listings, or recent sales. 4. Accessibility Descriptive Alt Text: Provide detailed alt text for screen readers to describe the animation. High Contrast: Use high-contrast color combinations to ensure visibility for all users, including those with visual impairments. 5. Scalability Vector Graphics: Use vector graphics to ensure the icon scales well on different devices and screen sizes. Responsive Animation: Ensure the animation adapts smoothly to various screen sizes, maintaining its quality and performance. 6. Ease of Integration Web Compatibility: Ensure the icon is easily integrable into websites using common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Performance Optimization: Optimize the animation to be lightweight to avoid slowing down the webpage. 7. Customization Customizable Colors: Allow users to change the icon’s colors to match their branding or personal preference. Modular Components: Provide options to customize individual components of the icon, such as changing the type of building or adding specific features like a rooftop garden. 8. Enhanced User Communication Tooltip Information: Display additional information or tips related to the building when users hover over the icon. Status Indicators: Use the icon to indicate the status of a property, such as 'Available', 'Sold', or 'Leased'. 9. Educational Value Informative Animations: Use the animation to visually explain real estate concepts, such as the benefits of different building types or steps in the buying or leasing process. Guided Interactions: Create interactive elements that guide users through property details or virtual tours. 10. Brand Consistency Thematic Alignment: Ensure the icon aligns with your overall website theme and branding to maintain a cohesive look and feel. Consistent Style: Use consistent animation styles and design elements that match other icons and graphics on your site.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Home Loan

Home Mobile

Home Web


Map Target

Search Home

Sold out


real estate Commission

house Contract

Home Badge

Home For Rent

Home For Sale

Home Key

Home Laptop