Keyframing is the most important aspect of any animation; it’s the "key" to all the frames of your animation. Keyframes help you ensure your vision comes to life just as you imagined. They serve as smooth and precise transitions in movements, color, size, and more. However, creating keyframes can be daunting, requiring both skill and significant time investment to perfectly tweak them to make your animation appear the way you want.

This is where your new tool comes into rescue—Motion Copilot in Lottie Creator.

The future of animation with generative AI

Motion Copilot harnesses the latest advancements in generative AI technology to push the boundaries of what's possible in design and animation. These can be used as the starting point for your animations or tackling repetitive tasks so you can focus on your creativity. Essentially, Motion Copilot boosts your efforts and ups your game when it comes to animating.

But Motion Copilot is more than just a tool for generating keyframes. It's the source of all things Creator, ready to answer any questions you might have. Just ask about anything you may need guidance on, and Motion Copilot will help you with suggestions and pointers.

Creation of vector assets using AI

Like Motion Copilot, our previous release, AI Prompt to Vector, also uses advanced technology to help you create animation-ready vector-based assets straight within Lottie Creator.

“AI is revolutionizing every industry, and we see it as a powerful tool for empowering designers. We began with the Generative AI tool Prompt to Vector on Lottie Creator to solve the blank canvas problem, enabling users to create vector graphics from text. Now, with Motion Copilot, we’re taking it a step further, bringing you even closer to the animation process,” said Nattu Adnan Co-Founder & CTO of LottieFiles.

The AI Prompt to Vector tool not only allows you to create vectors but also offers the flexibility to choose from five distinct styles: flat icons, basic logos, full scenery, UI icons, and Humaaan illustrations. This versatility ensures you can match the style to your design project needs, and each generated vector can be further animated, providing a comprehensive solution for your creative needs.

Concern about AI in the design industry

We understand that AI can raise privacy concerns. Rest assured, none of your uploaded files are used to train or fine-tune our AI models. Your privacy and trust are paramount to us, and we are committed to using AI ethically.

Furthermore, we recognize worries about AI impacting creativity. Our AI tools are designed to enhance your creativity, not replace it. Think of them as helpful assistants, sparking new ideas while you retain full control over the final masterpiece.

How to use Motion Copilot

The prompts can be written as freely as possible, with a limitation of X words per prompt. Similar to other AI tools, the prompts and replies will remain connected, creating a conversation that flows naturally and helps maintain a thread.

If you want to add keyframes to an object:

  1. Launch Lottie Creator.
  2. Head to the sidebar and open Motion Copilot.
  3. Select the shape you want to be animated and type in the prompt.
  4. Before you apply the animation created, you can watch its preview within the plugin’s modal.
  5. If you are happy with the preview, you can either:
  • Apply the animations to the selected object or
  • Fully replace the animations of the object.
  1. If you want to apply the same results to other objects, hit the “apply” button on the preview reply.

Feel free to select the sample prompts provided to get some inspiration.

Beyond creating keyframes, if you have a question about Lottie Creator or general animation, you can use the Motion Copilot to ask away and get precise and specific answers.

💡Fun fact: Try to use common key major languages and see what happens.

Inspiring sample prompts and creations

Prompt: Flicker like a flame on a candle
Prompt: Flicker like a flame on a candle

Want to try it? We’ve listed some sample prompts below for you to try:

  • “Make the object feel like a loading animation”: Provide your shape in different ways to be animated, a simple yet effective way to improve the UX/UI experience on a website or mobile app.
  • “Wobble and change colors a few times before disappearing”: Drag and drop your logo’s SVG files and animate it to captivate and engage your audience.
  • “Bounce 5 times and then get to a halt”: If you're looking at animating with more precision, consider using numbers like this to be more specific.
  • “Surprise me, animate the way you think best for this shape”: Why not give your full faith to AI and see what happens next?
  • “What are the features Lottie Creator supports?”: Maybe your question is not keyframe-related but just to understand the product, so give this a try.
  • “How do I export a Lottie": Get step by step instructions to see how it works.

Explore the new side of AI

With its intuitive interface, Motion Copilot seamlessly integrates into Lottie Creator, enhancing your creative workflow effortlessly. Designed for all skill levels, it supports both beginners and professionals alike. Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced motion designer, this plugin is your go-to tool for rapid animation creation, making it easier than ever to get started and focus on your story.