Business Animation Pack

Business Animated is a dynamic collection of animated visuals designed to bring business concepts to life. These animations serve as powerful tools for companies, entrepreneurs, and organizations looking to convey complex ideas in an engaging and visually compelling manner. Whether for presentations, marketing campaigns, or educational content, Business Animated features a wide range of animations that highlight key business processes such as strategy development, team collaboration, growth, innovation, and financial success. Each animation is crafted to provide clarity, captivate audiences, and make business-related content more accessible, impactful, and memorable. These animations can be customized to suit various corporate needs and are ideal for digital platforms, corporate training, and promotional material.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Business Email


Dollar Coin



Business Goal

Business Growth Graph

Business Idea

Business Input

Job Letter


Business Planning

Sales Tag


Business Schedule