Bad Neighbors Animation Pack

The Bad Neighbors Lottie Animation line icons provide a humorous and engaging depiction of common nuisances and conflicts encountered in neighborhood living. Each icon in this collection illustrates various aspects of challenging neighborly interactions, from noisy parties and property disputes to unruly pets and parking issues, all presented with clarity and creativity. Whether it's depicting a loudspeaker for noise complaints, a barking dog, or a cluttered yard, these icons offer a comprehensive representation of the typical annoyances that can disrupt neighborhood harmony. Perfect for community websites, neighborhood apps, and social platforms, this set enhances user understanding and engagement with every animated icon, highlighting the everyday challenges and humor in dealing with difficult neighbors in an accessible and visually appealing manner.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


The passers-by are suf...

A neighbor who knows e...

A girl is making noise

The old woman kept sho...

The boy is shouting