13h00 à 12h45 SMS Animation Pack

13h00 à 12h45 Forfait d'animation de texte

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


12:45 PM or Quarter to...

1:00 PM or One O'Clock

1:15 PM or Quarter Pas...

1:30 PM or Half Past O...

1:45 PM or Quarter To ...

2:00 PM or Two O'Clock

2:15 PM or Quarter Pas...

2:30 PM or Half Past T...

2:45 PM or Quarter To ...

3:00 PM or Three O'Clo...

3:15 PM or Quarter Pas...

3:30 PM or Half Past T...

3:45 PM or Quarter To ...

4:00 PM or Four O'Cloc...

4:15 PM or Quarter Pas...