Country And Capital Lower Thirds Animation Pack

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Solomon Islands Lower ...

geolocationcountry specificterritorynationstateworldnavigationmarkertext overlaypinpointgeographicmap pinlocationlandmarkpintravelareacityworld mapidentificationcountrylocation-pinlocation markerglobalbroadcastgeographyplacemapgeography tagnationalregionidentitydisplayinformationlocatorlower thirdmexico lower thirdkiribati lower thirdnairobi lower thirdkenya lower thirdjordan lower thirdnur sultan lower thirdkazakhstan lower thirdamman lower thirdslovenia lower thirdtokyo lower thirdtarawa atoll lower thirdtonga lower thirdnorth korea lower thirdljubljana lower thirdpyongyang lower thirdmogadishu lower thirdsouth africa lower thirdsouth sudan lower thirdjuba lower thirdspain lower thirdmadrid lower thirdsri lanka lower thirdsudan lower thirdkingston lower thirdjapan lower thirdkigali lower thirdjamaica lower thirdkingstown lower thirddoha lower thirdromania lower thirdbucharest lower thirdmoscow lower thirdrwanda lower thirdsuriname lower thirdsaint kitts and nevis lower thirdbasseterre lower thirdsaint lucia lower thirdcastries lower thirdsamoa lower thirdsingapore lower thirdapia lower thirdsan marino lower thirdsao tome lower thirdsaudi arabia lower thirdriadh lower thirdsenegal lower thirdserbia lower thirdseychelles lower thirdsierra leone lower thirdfreetown lower thirdkharatoum lower thirdport of spain lower thirdparamaribo lower thirdvatican city lower thirdkiev lower thirdunited kingdom lower thirdlondon lower thirdunite state of america lower thirdwashington d c lower thirdmontevideo lower thirduruguay lower thirdtashkent lower thirdvanuatu lower thirdport vila lower thirdvenezuela lower thirdworld logokamapala lower thirdcaracas lower thirdvietnam lower thirdhanoi lower thirdyemen lower thirdsanaa lower thirdzambia lower thirdlusaka lower thirdzimbabwe lower thirdsolomon islands lower thirdhoniara lower thirdukraine lower thirduganda lower thirdswaziland lower thirdtanzania lower thirdmbabane lower thirdsweden lower thirdstockholm lower thirdswitzerland lower thirdberne lower thirdsyria lower thirddamascus lower thirdtaiwan lower thirdtajikistan lower thirddushanbe lower thirdthailand lower thirdtuvalu lower thirdbangkok lower thirdtogo lower thirdlome lower thirdtrinidad and tobago lower thirdlisbon lower thirdtunisia lower thirdtunis lower thirdturkey lower thirdankara lower thirdturkmenistan lower thirdashgabat lower thirdqatar lower thirdoman lower thirdportugal lower thirdmalawi lower thirdlibya lower thirdtripoli lower thirdliechtenstein lower thirdvaduz lower thirdlithuania lower thirdvilnius lower thirdluxembourg lower thirdmacedonia lower thirdskopje lower thirdantananarivo lower thirdlilongwe lower thirdliberia lower thirdslovakia lower thirdmalaysia lower thirdkuala lumpur lower thirdmaldives lower thirdmale lower thirdmali lower thirdbamako lower thirdmalta lower thirdvalletta lower thirdmarshall islands lower thirdmonrovia lower thirdmaseru lower thirdmauritania lower thirdpristina lower thirdnuku alofa lower thirdmadagascar lower thirdharare lower thirdrussia lower thirddakar lower thirdbelgrade lower thirdvictoria lower thirdsouth korea lower thirdseoul lower thirdkosovo lower thirdkuwait lower thirdlesotho lower thirdkuwait city lower thirdkyroyzstan lower thirdbishkek lower thirdlaos lower thirdvientiane lower thirdlatvia lower thirdbratislava lower thirdriga lower thirdlebanon lower thirdbeirut lower thirdmajuro lower thirdnouakchott lower thirdwarsaw lower thirdpalestine lower thirdniamey lower thirdnigeria lower thirdabuja lower thirdnorway lower thirdoslo lower thirdmuscat lower thirdpakistan lower thirdislamabad lower thirdpalau lower thirdmelekeok lower thirdpanama city lower thirdmanagua lower thirdpanama lower thirdpapua new guinea lower thirdport moresby lower thirdparaguay lower thirdasuncion lower thirdperu lower thirdlima lower thirdphilippines lower thirdmanila lower thirdpoland lower thirdniger lower thirdnicaragua lower thirdmauritius lower thirdmorocco lower thirdmexico city lower thirdpalikir lower thirdmoldova lower thirdchisinau lower thirdmonaco lower thirdmonte carlo lower thirdmongolia lower thirdulaanbaatar lower thirdmontenegro lower thirdpodgorica lower thirdrabat lower thirdwellington lower thirdmozambique lower thirdmaputo lower thirdnay pyi taw lower thirdnamibia lower thirdwindhoek lower thirdnauru lower thirdnepal lower thirdkathmandu lower thirdnetherlands lower thirdamsterdam lower thirdnew zealand lower thirdsomalia lower third