
The Education Lottie Animation line icons bring the world of learning and academia to life with clear and engaging visuals. Each icon in this collection portrays various elements of education, from classrooms and books to students and teachers, all presented with precision and creativity. Whether it's illustrating a graduation cap, a chalkboard, or a stack of textbooks, these icons offer a comprehensive representation of the diverse aspects of education. Perfect for educational websites, online courses, and academic presentations, this set enhances user understanding and engagement with every animated icon, celebrating the pursuit of knowledge and the importance of education in shaping the future.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Banking Education

Content Writing

E Book Reading

Academic Diploma

Online Support

Cloud Data Sharing

Online Writing

Study Preparation

Digital Files

Online Webpage Graphic...

Finance Calculator

Digital Learning

Online Reading

Book With Money

Online Video Marketing