
Shopping Lottie Animation illustrations animate the vibrant world of retail therapy. Animated shoppers stroll through bustling streets and malls, browsing vibrant storefronts and displays, symbolizing the excitement of exploration. Animated products come to life on shelves and racks, showcasing the variety and abundance of merchandise available. Animated shopping carts fill and empty dynamically, reflecting the process of selecting items. Meanwhile, animated cash registers ring and cards swipe, illustrating the transactional aspect of shopping. These animations capture the essence of shopping, conveying the thrill, convenience, and satisfaction of finding and acquiring desired items in a visually engaging and dynamic manner.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Girl paying online sho...

The girl is shopping a...

The guy is giving mone...

Guy is paying online

The girl is shopping a...