
The Taxes Lottie Animation line icons offer a dynamic representation of various aspects of taxation with clear visuals and engaging animations. Each icon within this collection depicts different elements of taxes, from tax forms and documents to financial transactions and government revenue, all presented with precision and clarity. Whether it's illustrating tax returns, tax deductions, or tax payment methods, these icons provide a comprehensive toolkit for understanding and navigating the complexities of tax systems. Perfect for financial websites, accounting apps, and tax-related content, this comprehensive set simplifies the depiction of taxation processes, enhancing user understanding and engagement with every animated icon, while emphasizing the importance of compliance and financial responsibility in managing taxes.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Mail Letter

Price Cut

Home Building


Debt Burden

Global Tax



Business Profit

Shopping Trolley

Monitor Discount


Degree Hat

Real Estate Profit

Shopping Bag