
The Water Lottie Animation line icons provide a clear and engaging depiction of various water-related themes through dynamic and precise animations. Each icon in this collection portrays different aspects of water, from natural elements like waves and raindrops to human interactions such as drinking water and plumbing systems, all presented with simplicity and creativity. Whether it's illustrating a water droplet, a faucet, or a water bottle, these icons offer a comprehensive representation of the essential role water plays in our lives. Perfect for environmental websites, educational platforms, and utility services, this set enhances user understanding and engagement with every animated icon, emphasizing the importance and versatility of water in a visually appealing manner.

After Effects source Files included

Compatible with iOS, Android & Web

Lottie JSON files included


Water Glass

Hose Pipe

Hydro Power

Water Jug


Supply Tower

Water Ban

Ocean Mountains

Sea Wave

Rain Drops

Fresh Water Falling

Sailing Ship

Save Drop

Bath Shower

Swimming Pool