224 articles from LottieFiles
Animate any logo, even if you’re not a motion designer. Here’s how with the SVG to Lottie tool.
Bring your design assets from Figma to Vectary to create beautiful perspective mobile app mockups.
Create a Lottie animation from scratch and implement it in your Figma prototype.
Create animated posts and stories without leaving your mobile device.
Create beautiful animated text with Adobe After Effects.
Give your 2D Lottie animations an added dimension with Extrudalizer!
A lightweight animated graphics format that solves your problems.
A quick tutorial on how you can add an animated splash screen.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to embed a hamburger menu into a responsive page header by taking advantage of Lottie Player.
Making a Lottie animation interactive is cool... but making it interactive in response to audio is even cooler!